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Which industries are considered high risk? and how we can protect them!

Card Not Present

Businesses processing cards remotely are at a higher risk for chargebacks and acts of fraud. Online gaming, dating sites, ,online travel online auctions and home-based businesses are prime examples of business businesses. However there is still risk involved with even the most reputable online businesses, simply because all ecommerce transactions are 'card not present'

Frequent Chargebacks

If you are presently experiencing a high rate of chargebacks then you will be classified as a high-risk merchant

Bad Personal Credit

Your personal credit, if bad, can have a negative effect on the standing of your business in the eye of the, meaning they possibly could designate your business as high risk.

Merchant Account Processing History

PSPs look at your processing history, and want to see that you are managing your account with prudence.

Length Of Time You Have Been In Business

The longer you have been in business usually means that you are less of a risk to the merchant provider.


There are many solid high risk payment solutions available and by prioritizing customer fulfillment, having a product or service that people are willing to pay for, utilizing dynamic marketing techniques, keeping your chargeback rate low and having a powerful line of defense against fraudsters, there should be nothing stopping you from succeeding in the global ecommerce arena

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