Credit/debit cards make up the majority of payments by your customers. However, in some instances, there will be customers who would prefer to pay by check. ACH processing, also known as, Automated Clearing House Processing, most certainly can improve the cash flow of your business, by offering an alternative payment method for your customers, who either prefer not to use their credit card, or simply don’t have one.
ACH processing fees are much lower than credit/debit fees. The processing is quick and cash flow friendly, usually giving you access to the transactional funds within.
ACH transactions are highly secure as the information is immediately encrypted when sent. ACH differs from paper checks, be it that there is no printed exposure of highly confidential banking information, which protects one from data theft.
Less disputes and chargebacks while using ACH as opposed to credit/debit card transactions. A customer can only dispute an ACH charge if the transaction was not authorized or revoked, was for a different amount than that which it was authorized for, or the debited amount preceded the authorization date.
ACH payment processing is an effective and secure method of payment. It is a viable payment option for your customers and also easy to manage for your business.
Contact U SWIPE today, to set up your ACH processing, for a fast, hassle free and safe method to transfer funds directly from a customer’s bank account into your business account.